About Jeanne
Jeanne Marie Barnes Intuitive Healing Power Coach, has helped many celebrities, pro-athletes, leaders & children connect to their personal power, move beyond their limitations to achieve greater success in their lives. Her unique intuitive abilities allow her to listen to your body, mind, soul & energy to discover what is hidden inside you from past experiences that may be causing challenges in your life now.
Her combination of energetic healing and intuitive coaching helps balance your body and support personal transformation. Jeanne worked 4 years in a World Class Holistic Center & 10 years in her private practice helping clients overcome cancer, pain, coma & other diseases when doctors had given them weeks to live. She has appeared on television, radio & has done long distance healing for people in 17 countries. She inspires through personal development programs, private consultation & inspirational speaking. She also utilizes her 18 years experience as a successful Corporate Executive, Business Owner & Consultant; where she developed over $200 Million in sales.